29 December 2014

Thoughts, Memories & Feelings as the Bridge that Connects Me to the World

Here in this blog, I am continuing with the previous blog where I mentioned how I used to, as a child, express more of a value to some things, people, and events in my life such as Christmas, and what contributed to that value, over time, decreasing. The things that contributed to that decrease in value are changes in time, experience, and awareness. Over time, I realized that my awareness changes by means of walking and living through experiences. You learn, for example, that money contributes to the creation of the 'Spirit' of Christmas: the Christmas trees, Christmas gifts, and even Santa Claus. Although Santa Claus may have 'magical powers', and can have all of the parts that are necessary to create a gift to gift to children without the need of money, but one thing that Santa goes by is the point that the child must be 'good' in order to get gifts. One property of being good is to listen to your parents because the parents have more time, experience, and 'awareness' in relation to the world and how it systematically works, and so a 'good' child will eventually align to how the parents' lived their lives to be able to 'prosper'. So what is it that contributes to being prosperous is.... money! -- because when you're prosperous, a person is essentially more aligned to doing things that will support them in the world.

So really, me knowing the mechanics of how Christmas works, the emotional value that I attached to Christmas starts diminishing because you know that there are very real processes that have to be planned and put into motion in order to create Christmas. Now the thing is -- is that I realized that this applies to your mind too. I learned that I can 'lessen' the amount of time it takes to remove the 'value' that I attached to / towards particular people and things in my life which contributes to an increase in awareness in relation to why I attached a value to them in the first place. The question is, why would I want to remove the value that I attached to specific things or people? Well because I know that there are particular thoughts, particular memories, and particular emotions and feelings that gives that value its 'life' and 'expression'. So it's not even me directly valuing it. It's rather me, and then my thoughts, memories, emotions and feelings that are attached to that something or someone that I placed value on. Thus, the thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings become the 'bridge' that connects me to that particular person, place, or thing that I value. So to create real value, I first have to remove the 'bridge' so that I can clearly see my relationship to the person, place, or thing that I am valuing. And this is what it means to remove value. It is the point of removing the current definition of how I defined the word 'value' within myself, and I can say that most, if not all of us in this world, really don't know what 'value' is, and what it means to 'value' another because there was never a 'direct' connection to the person, place, or thing that we are valuing. The things in our minds that are essentially connecting us to the particular people, places, and things that we 'value' are our own thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings, and we are left 'behind' them instead of in front of them as the decision-maker.

Some can argue that our thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings are an extension of ourselves and defines who we are as 'humans', but wouldn't it be cool to define ourselves as humans without the need or the necessity of something like thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings to give us that definition of what it means to be human FOR us? Would it be cool to define what it means to be human for ourselves? So instead of doing this, what has been creating the definition of what it means to be 'human' are our very thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings INSTEAD of ourselves. And these thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings are the very things that we use to define our words (such as value) which then defines our REALITY. And so thus, our reality becomes dependent on our thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings rather than our own decision-making skills and expression which have been subjected to how we think and how we feel our entire lives. So in the next blog, I will go into how I learned to 'lessen' the time it takes to remove the 'value' that I attached to / towards particular people and things in my life, and also start a self-forgiveness process in relation to me defining myself, my words, and my reality based on my thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings which have become my 'bridge' between myself and my outside world rather than me being that 'bridge' that directly interacts with my outside world / reality.


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