25 March 2015

Daily Reflection: Feelings and Deep Connections

Here in this blog, I will write at least one self-forgiveness and one commitment statement that I will commit to live by in relation to something that stood out for the day that I decided to reflect on. If you'd like to know more about self-forgiveness, you can read my blog about self-forgiveness here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to interpret feelings that I project to others as a 'deep connection' with another.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attach feelings to another (person) who has similar ways of behaving / reacting, similar styles, fashion, vernacular, etc.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that a lot of the feelings that I elicit from within myself comes from the things that I am mostly integrated within -- which involves things such as language, behavior, etc.... where my memories are most definitive, and so thus will be reflected with people that express the same / similar language / vernacular, behavior, etc.

I commit myself to challenge the 'me' that I perceive I am as my 'language', 'behavior', etc. by writing a list of self-forgivenesses that challenges my perspective of myself such as writing statements like: "I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am my language that I speak.", "I forgive myself that I have accepted an allowed myself to believe that I am my behavior that I express to others."

I commit myself to show that the 'deep connection' that I interpret through 'feelings' that I project to others is the accumulation of emotions and feelings that I have created about myself in relation to who I perceive myself to be as my 'language', 'behavior', etc. -- that have 'superceded' my ability to clearly denote the difference between an actual 'deep' connection with another, and an 'experience' that is interpreted as a 'deep connection' created by poignant 'feelings' that are connected to 'language', 'behavior', etc.

I see, realize, and understand that words make up my 'language' and that when a word does not have a 'purpose', my mind will make a purpose for it, and will be expressed through emotions / reactions.  I commit myself assess the starting-point of the words that I speak, and to give each word that I speak a 'purpose' that is there to assist and support me in being / remaining 'stable' and 'practical' in my daily living application.

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