01 December 2014


Here in this blog, I am continuing with the first blog about how I tend to 'idolize' ideas. In the first blog, I mentioned how I created an 'idea' about a person's level of intelligence based on the information that they were telling me. The person was unable to access Google Chrome because, according to them, it kept closing and going back to their 'home page'. Because I created a memory about what a 'home page' is in my mind -- which is a specific web page that is specifically seen / accessed when opening up a browser program (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Google Chrome), I created the idea within my mind that the person was intellectually slow because the home page is suppose to be seen when Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, or some other browser, is opened. I, within this idea, didn't have any physical evidence / substance in relation to actually physically seeing the problem, and so I made the idea 'superior' in my mind, and expressed that idea by judging another. The resolution of the problem was actually something that I had to research because I was unable to resolve it without researching the internet for solutions, but a conclusion was finally found.

So here in this blog I would like to write some self-forgivenesses in relation to this point of how I judgment becomes the point that I carry in my mind that I project to another because of an 'idea' that I created about them, but not realizing that the judgment is actually something that I project to another because of me not wanting to actually 'deal with' the actual point as my 'relationship' to 'superiority' / 'inferiority' in relation to  a point such as 'intelligence' in this case. You can read my blog about self-forgiveness here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge another, and not realize that when I judge another, it is me projecting something in my mind that I do not want to face or take self-responsibility for within myself -- into a form of judgment that I place onto another so that I can 'feel good' about myself as a way of 'balancing' the 'negativity' within me (that I created) with a 'positive' experience that I 'get out of' judging another.

I see, realize, and understand that the moment that I judge another, it is me mirroring that which I internally judged myself as -- externally to another by projecting that internal relationship to that which I am judging myself as -- externally to another, and so I see, realize, and understand that it is not about the other person, but is solely about me, and my responsibility to stop and correct whatever judgments emerge within myself through spoken word or behavior that I project to others.

I see, realize, and understand that the moment that I judge another, it is me mirroring that which I defined myself through judgment to another, and so I realize, that on that 'mirror', I have 'carved' the word 'judgment' (in my mind), and made it 'physical' by 'speaking' the judgment or manifesting it physically through physical behavior, and if I do not correct the judgments within myself, it will become my 'lifestyle', and I will eventually see it as something that I do not have to 'face' or take self-responsibility for, or 'cannot' face because I will have become accustomed to it as something that I perceive as 'the way that I am', and 'the way that I operate'.

I commit myself to question and 'assess' the things that I do by asking myself, 'Who am I within what I do?', 'Why am I doing this?', 'How will it benefit me?', 'How will it benefit others?', 'How can I approach this situation differently?', 'Why am I reacting right now?', 'What am I reacting to?', 'Can I be (emotionally) stable in this moment?', 'How can I help another help me effectively?', 'What can I get out of this situation that can contribute to my own self-growth / self-expansion?'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take each moment as a 'new' moment, but to instead, super-impose a 'memory' onto a moment, and stimulate that memory with an 'emotion', and 'act out' that 'emotion' through physical behavior.

I commit myself to look at each moment as a 'new' moment.

I commit myself to see how I can take the memories that I attached to a particular moment, and use them as 'references' to expand the way that I interact with others / physical reality to become more 'effective', more 'stable', more 'creative', etc. in my approach to the moment instead repeating myself through a memory by re-enacting that memory with no evidentiary change in my approach to the present situation.

I commit myself to pin-point what kind of characters or 'roles' I am 'acting out' within a memory that I am attaching to the present moment, and to see how I can turn that or those 'characters' or 'roles' (that I expressed through the memory) into something that contributes to the moment as a way of 'giving back' to the moment in a way that that moment becomes a 'reflection' of what I give it which is either 'reacting' to the moment, and therefore, creating 'consequence' and 'instability' or 'acting' in the moment, and producing outcomes that is a direct mirror of me developing my utmost potential in ways that gives each moment a new expression.

I see, realize, and understand that each and every individual has a unique expression, and that each unique expression can contribute to a each and every moment in a unique way, and so I see, realize, and understand that when I develop my utmost potential in each and every moment, that me developing my utmost potential will contribute to that moment in a unique way, and so within this, not realize how when I do not live or express my utmost potential in each and every moment, that I am 'missing out' on the opportunity to gift each and every moment with something that hasn't been expressed before in the same exact way, and so thus, won't be able to assist others in recognizing this expression that can assist in gifting them that point of change within themselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create an 'idea' about what's going on in physical reality based on a 'memory' that came up in a moment within my mind, and then 'react to' the events / situations that are emerging in the moment / in physical reality because of how I stimulated each memory that came up within me / in my mind with an 'emotion'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust 'emotional' reactions that I 'exert' out into physical reality because of how I 'stimulate' memories in my mind with thoughts and imaginations to the point that how I 'feel' about what is coming up in my mind becomes 'more real' than my interaction physical reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to 'idolize' ideas which means that I put 'ideas' above the reality of how something actually exists in physical reality, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give in to the 'impressions' (the feelings, the mental pictures, etc. in my mind) that give 'ideas' the illusion of 'certainty', and believe that that is how that which I am creating an 'idea' about actually exists, instead of cross-referencing with physical reality of how something actually exists on a physical level.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create an 'idea' that I am not 'smart' enough compared to someone else based on how I compare my 'level of intelligence' to another's 'level of intelligence', and within my mind, attempt to bring my own experience that I created in my mind of feeling 'inferior' to someone else into a 'balance' by judging someone else that I believe in my mind does not 'match' another's 'level of intelligence' that I judged as being 'better' than my 'level of intelligence' without actually understanding my position in how I define 'intelligence', but to instead, react to both people (one from a starting-point of seeing them as 'intellectually superior' to me, and one form a starting-point of seeing them as 'intellectually 'inferior' to me).

I see, realize, and understand that in order to compare myself to another that I perceive as 'better' than me in some criteria, and then use that person as a basis for comparing myself to others as a way of reducing someone else within my mind to make me 'feel better' about my idea of myself is me manipulating myself within attempting to create 'emotional' balance through judgment so that can 'feel appreciated' by others, but not realize that within me trying to resolve the conflict in my mind by creating 'emotional balance' is me accepting the idea that I can never be 'equal' to anyone else (as a form of self-pity), and so instead of taking self-responsibility for the actual point, which is specifying the origin of judgment within myself in relation to specifying where I am accepting limitation within my own mind, I'd rather not introspect the point because of the fear of facing it, and so instead of instrospecting, I project the point to others, and make myself 'inferior' to it when I see the point being shown through others.

I commit myself to, when and as I see myself judging others, or creating a tendency within me to be inclined to judge another, I stop and breathe. I identify the point of self-judgment within myself which is a point, as an internal statement or declaration about myself that I make to keep myself in a position of limitation to that very construct within my mind (such as a word, thought, or picture) that is / are the 'references' to that which I am creating a point of judgment about within me, and when and as I identify it, I commit myself to see how I can express that very point that I am using to judge myself through me as a way of 'correction' to 'break through' the 'walls' of 'limitation', and as a way to expand myself and my potential.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use someone else that I define as 'inferior' to me to give me a 'sense' or an 'experience' of 'emotional balance' which I define as a (positive) 'feeling' that I get when I judge another as 'inferior' to me instead of realizing that this 'emotional balance' is dependent on a judgment that I created about myself (initially), and which I projected towards another, and so thus, not realize that it is a point of me diminishing myself to judgment, and making judgment and judging others a point within me that becomes a 'necessity' as a way of 'manipulating' myself to give me an 'experience' of 'emotional balance' that is defined through a 'feeling' rather than an actual practical correction process.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize how I tend to 'generalize' my relationship to something or someone else by emotionally reacting to it / them, and not realize that if I actually had an understanding of what I am reacting to along with an 'assertiveness' within owning the responsibilty of stabilizing myself in relation to the point that I am reacting to, then there is no need to 'emotionally react' to things that come up in my mind, and exerting that 'emotional' reaction to others, or in my present situation / reality.

I commit myself to when and as I (emotionally) react to things that come up in my mind within the moment, I stop and breathe. I realize that I have to 'specify' myself 'more' in these moments that I am 'emotionally' reacting to things by introspecting and finding out what is the 'source' within my mind -- as the very thing (the word, the picture, the thought, etc.) that I am reacting to, and within finding the 'source', take self-responsibility to move myself out of the reaction by correcting my posture, lifting my head up, sticking my chest out, moving with confidence, express or state what I am saying clearly, and not allow emotional reactions to compromise my words, attitude, and posture, and behavior.

I see, realize, and understand that when I emotionally react to something / someone in my present situation / reality, that is like a 'roadblock' like a condition (that I created) that will make it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective because of the particular emotional reaction being something that has become an 'automation' that I automatically go into because of how I accepted that part of myself as who I am consistently over the years until it became a part of me.

I see, realize, and understand that what I have accepted consistently over the years is me going into the same pattern of 'reacting' to things rather than 'acting', and having a look at how I can expand myself in relation to the situation circumstance.

I see, realize, and understand that there are multi-dimensions / multi-perspectives in relation to a situation / circumstance, and that when I 'react' to something / someone in my present view of things / present situation, I am accepting only one dimension of how something is playing out, and disregarding the rest of how, for example, the situation became to be how it is being played out in the moment by asking myself questions like, 'What is the history of the situation / circumstance?', 'How have others contributed to the situation / circumstance overtime?', 'How am I contributing to the situation / circumstance?'.

I commit myself to expand my awareness in relation to looking at a situation / circumstance that is being played out from more angles rather the one angle, by asking myself 'What is the history of the situation / circumstance?', 'How have others contributed to the situation / circumstance overtime, and what are the consequences that are playing out in relation to how others have contributed to the situation / circumstance overtime?', 'How am I contributing to the situation / circumstance?'. And I commit myself see how I can contribute to taking 'action' rather than 're-acting' to the situation / circumstance by having a look at the situation from multiple angles and to see how, rather than me contributing to more consequences by reacting to the situation / circumstance that is playing out, see how can the consequences that have been created within and as part of the situation / circumstance be practically changed / corrected, and if so, see how I can in-fact contribute to changing some or all of the consequential out-flows as a way of stabilizing the situation / circumstance.

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