09 October 2014

What do you Think about Them?

Here in this blog, I am writing some self-forgiveness statements in relation to creating an 'idea' about what evolution, intelligence, ingenuity, beauty, etc. is in relation to physical appearance. I would, depending on the shape of a person's face for example, if they have a smaller, oval-shaped face, I would have an idea that because the person has a smaller, oval-shaped face, they are more evolved in their ways of thinking in relation to 'intelligence', and evolved in their 'character' and 'behavior' because of the belief that it didn't take their physical body as much 'time' to create their face compared to a person with a rounder-shaped face. I also realize how I, within my mind, connected broad jaw-lines which can contribute to a more round-shaped facial anatomy to cavemen, and so perceive people with more 'rounded' face shapes as being 'less intelligent' and more scatter-brained (lacking sense or discretion) because of the belief that it takes them 'more time' to process information.

Now I realize how this is in-fact 'fuzzy logic' because this judgment of the shape of people's faces are not consistent with everyone. So really, what is the actual point here? The actual point is the relationship that I created to certain faces, and that 'relationship' is what I attached as words, descriptions, feelings, reactions, and definitions as what I am feeling and 'defining' to be what I see that I believe is the 'role' or 'position' that a person is at in relation to their mind such as seeing them as 'intelligent', 'cordial', 'consistent', 'scatterbrained', etc. depending on how that individual expresses themselves. These are all words that I am projecting to facial components / features / shapes instead of taking self-responsibility to look at these words within myself, and how I relate and react to these words. So what am I actually doing here? I am fearing to face seeing how I have actually created myself in relation to words; so instead of looking directly at words, I project words into human facial features, create a desire or a resistance to others, and judge others (based on that desire or resistance) as them either being 'attractive' or 'unattractive' contingent on their physical appearance and physical behavior, and allow these judgments to supercede how I actually see myself in relation to them.

So here in this blog, I will write some self-forgivenesses. Self-forgiveness is tool that I use in releasing these judgments. It is not the self-forgiveness that is actually releasing the judgments, but it is rather, me positioning myself in such a way that I make the decision to release myself from such judgments through self-forgiveness. Self-forgiveness is simply the manifested spoken words of my decision to release myself from such mind-patterns within myself. So self-forgiveness is something that I use to assist and support myself in standing within and as that point of expression in directing myself to changing myself by releasing that which I hold onto as judgments. It is the first step of correction. The practical correction comes in being consistent in this approach of applying self-forgiveness, and then correcting myself in such a way that I no longer keep reinforcing or contributing to that creates the judgment in the first place.

The contributing point would be, for example, reacting to a person, and not correcting myself in relation to that person. Maybe within that reaction I, for instance, do not communicate with the person openly. So with me not communicating with the person openly, it is a point where I am contributing to the reacton, and within contributing to it, what happens is that I see myself as 'superior' to that person, but in essence, I am actually positioning myself in an 'inferior' status to the person -- not realizing that 'superiority' is only an illusion and a 'denial' of an 'inferiority-relationship' that I created to something or someone else. So what happens is that instead of correcting myself in that moment, I 'compensate' for that 'inferiority' by creating myself to be 'superior' in some way, form, or fashion. The question is why do I 'deny' what I am creating within myself? Why do I not want to look at and face what I have accepted and allowed myself to become but instead, resist it or deny it by reacting to it?

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