29 May 2012

Day 37 | Intelligence and Speed

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I 'move fast' within this world and reality, it deems me as 'intelligent' of which I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as the integrity of and as -- based on how the world system is structured, and the belief that within 'intelligence', it makes me 'alive' -- as having the ability to comprehend, understand, and profit from experiences which are the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities -- when in-fact, all 'experiences' are equal to and one with the monetary system, as how we act and interact with each other based on profit and expense in which intelligence has become limited into and as the very structure, integrity, and foundation of the monetary system, and how it operates and abuses for the sake of profit. Thus, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to utilize knowledge and information as 'intelligence' as practical support -- to assist and support myself to become the 'living word'  -- to redefine who I am as a living being into and as oneness and equality -- which intelligence in itself has to be transformed in its entirety -- from a knowledge and information standpoint to that of a physical / common-sense standpoint to operate into / as / for what is 'best for all'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that within speed, I am 'alive' -- instead of realizing that within speed, I am only alive as the 'personality' -- which is the building-block of what I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become in this world -- working fast, using my body speedily as a form of abuse within and as 'energetics' because of the slave that I have become -- as my very movements have become the integrity of and as how I survive in this world, and with intelligence, I survive effectively and efficiently only for my means of manifesting my dreams of becoming an elitist status without considering anyone else in this world and reality because of the fear of losing that which I have gained through my "hard" work within speed and intelligence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse my body for the sake of survival in this world and reality -- of which I become the living manifestation of 'system' -- utilizing speed and intelligence as efficacy to produce for myself a sufficient income of which I defined as 'success' -- which has become the dream for everyone within this world and reality -- locked into and as a destination / goal -- that is only meant to support one's own integrity within this world and reality, but not considering an optimum solution that will bring an end to the chase for success -- because within this chase, there is always another chase when success is acquired -- which is the chase for more and more, as more and more have to be taken away from those who do not have the sufficient means for them to produce the financial means to have a decent life. Thus, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to not be aware that within success, there is a give-and-take mechanism that gives definition to the very basis of success -- as success can only exist where abuse exists, and where inequality exists.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect intelligence to a picture, and to believe that a picture-form is 'more intelligent' based on my attraction for them -- as I exist within comparison, judgment, and jealousy -- comparing my own self with a point that I have projected into and as another -- as I have allowed that point to drive me into and as self-dishonesty -- as I exist within and as the definition of intelligence as that which has been formed into and as knowledge and information from myself that I have separated myself from -- and as it as 'more than', thus, project it into a body-form -- as I become jealous, and compare myself and others with others that appear to be more intelligent because of their picture-representation, and their speedy / aggressive movements that I have defined has being 'in control' (of themselves) based on having intelligence noteworthy intelligence.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that intelligence within this world and reality is the capacity to comprehend that which is here as the foundation of and as 'knowledge and information' that is the basis of and as interpretation -- which concludes intelligence as having the ability to interpret information and come to a conclusion that best supports that knowledge and information that is being presented onto and as others. I forgive myself that I have not considered intelligence as the capacity to see, realize, and understand what and how this world has been manifested as -- and my relation to and within the world of which I have become a living manifestation as the integrity of relationships that supports who we are as a collective in this world and reality, and thus, who we are presently in this world and reality are the cells (selves) of the monetary system that keeps the blood (money) moving / alive for our own benefit of our survival. But within this, not consider the whole, but instead support the hole -- within and as my mind as all of the relationships that I believe I don't have -- that forms / creates my happiness /  satisfaction as an individual -- thus create / exist within the mentality that I need to acquire money to fill the hole within / through / by success -- by the utilization of 'intelligence' to attempt to 'cover' the hole -- of which all of humanity has been locked into -- into and as the mentality of having 'lack of' / the 'need' to create something better for us as an individual only.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to 'lock' myself into and as a 'mentality' of the desire for intelligence -- in order to feel equal to and one with others that I defined as having 'intelligence' -- instead of realizing that intelligence is useless in/as the current world system, and is only used to support the current world system into and as 'destruction' instead of coming up with solutions within and through the capacity of and as intelligence to create world that is best for all, and within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to intellectualize why having a world that is best for all is impractical as it is not compatible with this current world system -- as the intelligence factor has been generally programmed as only being compatible with this current world system, and thus, to even consider a world that supports all beings -- equal and one, all knowledge and information has to be dropped of and as my self-defined nature as who I am in relation to this world; all knowledge and information has to be dropped in relation to myself with/as all beings that exist within the world, and all of the knowledge and information which stands for/as, and gives structure to/for capitalism / the capitalistic system -- which intelligence has become lived as / programmed through and by.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to be equal to and one with my physical movements, thus, project who I am in relation to my movements onto another through and within the belief that another individual who moves fast is intelligent -- because I have separated myself from 'intelligence' and believe that I am 'slow' because I have judged my physical body as 'less attractive' than the people that I 'like' -- not realizing that the people that I 'like' are in-fact those who I project the points within and them as me that I have yet to transcend -- as I am the image and likeness of my father and mother, and have formed my own individual nature based on them. Thus, it is for me to look at the roots of how I exist / who I am in relation to my mother and father, in relation to my childhood, and in relation to all of the relationships from within the 'past' of who I created / structured myself to be within and as intelligence as the ability to comprehend, understand and profit from 'experience' -- the accumulation of knowledge and information about how I interpret my direct participation with a particular specific event.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within/as knowledge and information of which I interpret my direct participation with a particular specific event -- not seeing 'here' / standing as who I am in relation to everything that is 'here', but instead separate myself into parts as relationships creating 'experiences' where I define myself as 'intelligence' from/within a polarity of self-judgment within/as being 'more-than' / 'less-than' creating a relationship within/as competition -- as the starting point for/as 'intelligence', and how I relate to / live as / see myself as 'intelligent' / having 'lack of' intelligence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within/as competition in this world and reality and think that the ones who have 'more money' in this world and reality are 'more intelligent' because they knew how to acquire money effectively. Thus, connect this point of intelligence to the Caucasian race -- because of the belief as how I see the Caucasian race has having  / possessing the most money within/as this world. Thus, exhibit the point of 'speed' as being 'in control' / having the knowledge and information within this world of how to attain / acquire money effectively.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect intelligence to competition. Thus, I commit myself to remove competition from my individual world and reality as the 'mind' of which competition is the integrity of which I remain locked into and as wanting to be 'more' within this world and reality to equalize myself with those whom I see as having 'more money' / the most money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within/as competition -- to get the 'most' out of me, and me only as I become subservient only to that one point within this world and reality -- as all beings have become subservient to success -- trying not to 'fail' -- based on the hope for 'more' within this world as this has become the 'circle of life' that repeats over and over within as all generations that are born into this world and reality -- only defined within that one point as 'success', and becoming success driven -- of which all energy is thus only focused on this one point. Thus, anything that is of actual self-honest common-sense is not looked at / considered. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, thus, consider my own success within/as the desire to transcend my own points of creation within/as me of 'competition' through/as the accumulation / acquisition of money -- of which I believe that by having the proper / sufficient knowledge and information / intelligence in this world and reality, I am able to generate income effectively. Thus, create myself to be a 'perfectionist' within everything that I do for the sake of my own pursuit of happineness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself to that which I have defined myself as -- as the words that I speak from and within a starting point of polarity -- seeing words based on their polarity and living those words -- creating 'logic' around those words, and thus misunderstanding the 'process' of birthing myself as life -- because I cannot birth myself as life -- if I am using words of polarity friction, and creating logic around those words -- giving those words value as 'intelligence' -- which becomes manifested within/as my physical movements as how I define intelligence within movement as 'speed' (as aggressiveness / promptness) -- instead of redefining words as words that can stand within/as eternity where all words are lived from and within a starting point of equality and oneness as life.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that fear manifests desire of which my physical movements, and voice change to succumb to the fear as 'desire' to acquire that which I believe I need to fulfill as that part of me that I defined into existence into a relationship -- instead of breathing, slowing myself down as a point of self-direction -- as I move with and as my breath as the physical rhythm of the life of me that I have abdicated for 'energy' as fear and desire.

I commit myself to use intelligence in a way to come up with solutions that are best for all instead of creating / defining myself within / through / as the current world system -- creating myself to be subservient to that which abuses all life for the sake of making a select few richer for their personal happiness.

I commit myself to see, realize, and understand who I am in relation to my mother and father -- as how I created myself to be in this world and reality as the foundation of how all of my relationships are formed.

I commit myself to observe my movements because I realize that my movements are that which defines who I am, and what I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become as a mind-consciousness system as how I relate to others in this world and reality.

I commit myself to realize that intelligence is useless in a world that is created in the image and likeness of abuse that has become the god of this existence -- of which God only takes, and creates the illusion of 'blessings' to keep us locked into/as the belief that there is 'hope' in this world and reality.

I commit myself to see, realize, and understand that success is the illusion of hope -- manifested as trying to 'attain' that which self thinks that self doesn't have in this world and reality -- creating intricate goals for the sake of owns own pursuit of happiness without considering a way of life where everyone is able to profit effectively and equally -- based on ones own brainwashing as -- "It's impossible to create / have a system where everyone profits equally -- because how will that work in our current system if no debt is being generated?"

I commit myself to see, realize, and understand that in order to have / create a system where everyone profits equally / optimally, the current world system has to be eradicated / removed because it cannot be trusted to remain within only 'transforming' it / renovating it. It has to be removed in its entirety and replaced with a system that is best for all.

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