19 May 2012

Day 27 | Knowledge and Information

My agreement partner and I decided to listen to "Reptilians - Sex and Eternal Life - Part 39", but I had resistance because I was doing my blog, and won't be able to listen to it effectively if I'm doing my blog at the same time while listening to it. So I started listening to it with resistance. I did self-forgiveness for the resistance, but I was still experiencing that was not able to listen to the audio effectively while doing my blog at the same time. So while I was doing my blog, I used my breath as a tool to establish myself here in this physical reality. While breathing, I had to reread what I wrote because I couldn't effectively write my blog while listening to the audio. My agreement partner informed me that when I'm breathing -- to breathe in to the count of four, pause for about two seconds, and breathe out to the count of four as I relax my body to release the tension -- because I was existing within and as 'logic' all of this time justifying why I am unable to listen to it. I informed my agreement partner that science proves that we are unable to really multitask, but that it appears as though we are multitasking all of the time because the way that the brain processes happens so fast that it appears as though we have the capability of multitasking. So I had to let go of all of these points, and just be 'here' while listening to Enlil.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use logic to justify why I am or am not able to effectively perform tasks -- as I justify myself within and as the 'personality' existing as a limited being as an effect of and as the experiences that I create from within and as my justification points through and within logic -- instead of realizing that I diminish myself within and as the utilization of logic -- limited myself to and as a 'personality' that is an effect of knowledge and information that I made my god.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as 'understanding' -- trying to understand that which I, as the personality, doesn't understand -- and then use logic to justify that understanding -- as I remain the personality of which I use to diminish myself and diminish others within the integrity of knowledge and information -- instead of realizing that I accept and allow myself to diminish myself within knowledge and information -- using logic to justify why I am unable to do a particular task because I trusted me within and as knowledge and information because I can cross-reference it within and as my 'past' -- as the being that I 'was' of which I re-cycle through over and over again because that is all that I know how to be within this world and reality -- not matter how abusive my past was.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to react from the starting point of protecting who I am within knowledge and information -- because I have accepted and allowed myself to create the integrity of who I am within and as knowledge and information -- picking parts of my past and parts of other beings' past that formed the construct of knowledge and information -- and thus see that -- which I interpret/connect to knowledge and information as 'more than' me -- instead of realize that I create relationships with that which I conform to within and as knowledge and information -- conforming to and as relationships / patterns creating who I am as the mind/personality -- of which I use this personality that I created to create relationships with others from a starting point of separation, deception -- of which all of my relationships become a lie.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to lie to myself because I used 'interpretation' as knowledge and information to form the integrity of how I exist and how I don't want to transcend because I see certain points of transcendence as -- not making sense because it doesn't 'fit it' with and as the knowledge and information that I conformed to within this world and reality that began to make 'sense' to me because others are able to cross-reference it through and as an 'agreement' -- whether it can be individually-physically cross-referenced by all or not -- instead of realizing that I am existing as a 'product' of and as knowledge and information as the integrity of what I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become within relationships with others that agreed with me about how the world/existence functions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am my conscious mind -- and thus, that which does not make sense to the conscious mind, I disregard it -- because it doesn't make sense to the 'personality' because I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself to only my conscious mind thoughts because it is the only part of me that I can trust. Anything else seems 'out there', thus, I stay 'in here' within and as my mind because I trust my mind; I trust my personality as the 'expression' of me of which I use knowledge and information to 'energize' me as the 'personality' so I can express me more as the 'personality' within and as 'limitation' -- instead of realizing that I limit myself to and within that single part of me within and as a 'container' not allowing myself to see all parts of me within and as life, and thus, suck life dry because I haven't see for myself all aspect of me within and as equality.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that existing within the conscious mind, I disregard everything else within my world and reality creating the point of self-interest that has become the movement of me as me within and as self-dishonesty -- creating a world wherein everyone is only satisfied with feeding their conscious mind -- knowledge and information of which we thus feed our personality symbols of which we deceive ourselves by and as -- instead of realizing that this is the reason why I am unable to transcend and become the 'nothingness' that I really am because I only considered what was 'best for me' within and as self-interest built upon and as knowledge and information that I perceives as that which gives me 'life'.

I commit myself to realize that I am not a slave to knowledge and information -- but am that which is 'here', and not realize that everything that is 'here' we allowed ourselves to deceive ourselves into and as a limited form of beingness 'extracting' certain points / dimensions / aspects from what is 'here' and forming our own belief out of it because I / we created myself / ourselves in a way wherein I / we are able to exist within and as the comfortability of the conscious mind as that which I /we believe I am / are.

I commit myself to push myself beyond my knowledge and information of which I use logic to justify me as a 'personality' because that is all that I known myself to be of which I, within this, diminish myself to only seeing what can be see within knowledge and information which is the reason why the world is allowed to exist the way that it exists as because we, as a collective humanity, reason everything into one point that we all agree with -- within and as our minds -- not to change anything that goes against our self-interest pursuits of satisfaction.

I commit myself to stop the integrity of logic -- as that which I use to make myself 'right' in order to justify who I am as a 'personality' existent in a world of 'personalities' that collectively justifies the reason that this world is allowed to continue the way that it is through and within building charities, coming together and creating jobs, creating further solutions that only further the integrity of this monetary system and not to consider a system that works best for everyone within this world and reality.

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