18 May 2012

Day 26 | Ethics and Control

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me as a personality trying to gain acceptance from another personality because I haven't accepted myself, thus, have to define myself as a personality that has to be accepted in order to be an acceptable personality that can work with others effectively within the social and job markets -- creating the system that we live in today -- instead of realizing that through and within being accepted, I am controlling myself in a way to calibrate my expression into a systematized expression (of mind) that fits the standards of society for the sake of relationships and money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself as not being equal to and one with me as a man with other men, thus, exist within the desire to be equal to other men through the act of sex -- that I defined as an experience to destroy the chains of the ego of man that I have allowed myself to be controlled by because of wanting to be 'free' from the very point of control that has become the definition of masculinity in our world and reality -- but within this point of wanting to be free from the point of control that has become the definition of masculinity, I create a new form of control that I have defined as 'free' because I have not forgiven myself for existing within relationships that create the polarity of control and freedom -- instead of being here in every moment to become the 'nothingness' that is not moved or defined by relationship, but is the point of  'standing' as the directive principle of and as me -- to do what is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse 'touch' for the sake of being accepted as the 'personality' -- thus, exist within the desire for relationships so that can be accepted, and within those relationships, please the person / people in every way so that I can get the reward of 'touching' them -- because I defined 'touch' as the ultimate acceptance, and thus, within every touch, abuse that touch for the sake of justifying my personality that I created from childhood (that consists of reactions, lies, and secrets) as 'right' / 'ethical' / 'acceptable' among and within society -- instead of realizing that 'real' touch is when touch does not exist as an effect of that which I have not forgiven because I wanted to keep that part of me in-tact as the thought, the feeling, the emotion, perception, idea, and belief that I limited myself to in order to keep myself sustained as a 'personality' that walks this world  in self-deception.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see that existing within control within and as relationships is ego, and thus, me not wanting to be of ego (as relationships) -- but allowing myself to still exist of the ego (as relationships) is in-fact self-manipulation -- as I accept and allow myself to remain in self-interest as that which is I have defined as 'freedom' (as relationships) so that I can express me the way that I see fit -- within the foundation of 'ethics' which has become the set foundation of 'personality' of which all has duplicated for the sake of keeping relationships as how it has been defined as in-tact -- but not allowing myself to see beyond 'relationships' that are built upon a precipice of self-interest. Therefore, I commit myself to redefining the integrity of  who I am within and as relationships, and to redefine relationships that are best for all because I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that self-interest is used for the sake of controlling the population for the purposes of the one's in power to earn the most effective income for their self-interested purposes.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that ethics is in-fact the foundation of self-interest that creates relationships of self-interest for the purposes of the one's in power to earn the most effective income for their self-interested purposes, and thus, define freedom as rebelling against 'ethics' to create a new culture of like-personalities that come together to try to make a statement about freedom -- instead of realizing that anything that supports freedom in this current system is a manipulation tactic to try to get out of what has been accepted and allowed by all of us equal and one, thus to take self-responsibility to stop all relationship patterns of control and freedom through self-forgiveness, and to realize that freedom can never become real until all are free.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that freedom can exist within and as this world and existence, and thus, exist within the desire to be free within relationships because I defined myself to be controlled by relationships wherein I am not able to express me within/as self-interest based on the relationship-connection that I created with self-interest and freedom, and thus, see ultimate freedom as everything that goes against the what is 'best for all' within and as this world so that I can exist in my limited freedom-construct of a personality that I created since childhood -- instead of realizing that the personality is that point of me that exists as reactions, back-chat, lies, and secrets of which is what I want to exist within and as -- as the point of freedom because I have been existing within/as reactions, back-chat, lies and secrets so long that it became me within/as my very starting-point of everything that I do because I have not forgiven myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the very starting-point of self-dishonesty and self-sabotage, but instead blamed others for making me the way that I am and see that as a point of 'freedom of expression'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse sex for the sake of fulfilling my desires that I believed were my expression, and so not see the point of the desire for sexual aggression as a point of releasing that -- which I haven't forgiven myself for, and thus, desire to prove my worthiness as a male-personality to females within the act of sexual aggression as a point of releasing this point of control that I developed in me (as trying to prove my worthiness to females) because I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as the definition of a man as having 'power' -- the power to persuade others, the power to acquire income effectively, and the power to get as many women as I can by the belief that many women exist within secrets, and if I can persuade a female in bed, then I can persuade anyone.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that by trying to acquire 'power' is in-fact me as the ego/personality trying to become more of the ego/personality of which I create more goals from within this starting point to make myself more acceptable to a larger group of people because I defined being acceptable as being 'free', and defined freedom within/as self-interest -- seeing that our society is built upon self-interest -- instead of realizing that the more relationships I have brings about the illusion of freedom as I justify who I am as a personality that moves with groups of people that accepts self-interest as freedom, and doing what is 'best for all' as control -- because nothing else is considered but that which is able to satisfy the 'personality' that makes me 'feel' good in the midst of reality that is built upon the precipice of pain through what has been accepted and allowed by the collective entity over time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can release myself from that which I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as -- within being subject to developing my personality from the starting point of separation to pictures -- based on the 'ego' of how a man suppose to be in relation to the picture of what a man represents through society's definition 'manhood' which has become the acceptable personality of a man, and thus, see the point of honoring the qualities befitting a man as that which separates who I am as a man from other men that doesn't fit the qualities befitting a man -- of which I defined as 'inequality' based on how these men are treated, therefore, see and define equality within the act of sex with other men as a point of releasing the 'ties' of the ego as 'manliness' that I have 'worked' myself to become in my life in order to be accepted as how society defines a man as. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be limited to the 'ego' as 'manliness' that creates separation from other men that doesn't fit the definition of the acceptable / common definition that society gives to 'manliness' because of the desire to be accepted as who I am as a man -- trying to make myself 'manly' in order to please other men within the goal to become powerful, persuasive, and intimidating to prove my 'manhood'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be controlled within the polarity of 'ego', and thus see the opposite polarity -- as having 'no ego' has 'freedom' of which I create goal in my life to have 'freedom' because I placed my happiness 'separate' from me within this form of 'freedom' that can only exist within and as 'relationships' -- instead of realizing that freedom is who I am 'here' one and equal as all life -- and it is for us as a collective humanity to birth this freedom within and as physical reality as the permanent expression as equality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire a female that appears to be 'free' within how I see freedom as existing within and as physical 'movements', symbols, gestures, words, sounds, etc. of which I limit freedom within pictures as what I have defined as the 'life' of and as me within 'expression' -- because I have defined myself as 'not free' based on how I perceive myself as not being 'accepted' by the mass... the media... society that honors beauty, elegance, and money as freedom within the association with fabric, and parts of the physical body that are manipulated in ways to give the impression of freedom as the ethical value that has been given a price -- instead of realizing that freedom has become limited to that of which the mind sees as 'more than' based on the level of money that goes into making the appearance heightened -- giving it value, and thus giving the female a value that I strive for -- for the sake of wanting to be accepted as 'acceptable' to maintain my living status within this world and reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see a woman that has masculine characteristics as breaking the binds of 'control' of how a woman suppose to be as expressing femininity as the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women of which I exist within the desire for a relationship and sex to 'connect' with a female that has masculine characteristics based on how I formed a relationship to how I defined freedom as existing within and as physical movements that doesn't align with the commonality of how a female moves as -- instead of realizing that within this point of desire, exists my desire to be accepted by all personalities that doesn't align within the commonality of society and culture, and thus perceive myself when I am accepted by all personalities that doesn't align within the commonality of society and culture -- as 'more than' of which I use this as a calibration to hide what I have not directed within and as myself -- which is the polarity of control and freedom within and as society and relationships.

I commit myself to stop all relationship-ties with what I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as -- in relation to society which is the manifested relationship patterns that we have accepted as a collective humanity that limits ourselves to a life of chasing 'acceptance' as the value that we have given ourselves to as 'life' through and as 'money' that builds the foundation of control and the ego-defined definition of 'freedom' which is the goal that everybody desires -- written as 'success' on a bloody-stained window.

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