13 May 2012

Day 21 | The Picture-Reality Field

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am not a picture, but form the relationships with the integrity of my form, shape, and color that I use to judge the 'physical' as me because I perceive myself 'separate' from it, and within that separation, not take self-responsibility to bring all parts back to me 'here', because I am 'here', but choose exist within the concept that there are separate parts of me, and thus, walk that point of separation as 'personality'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself to the form, shape and color of me, and define me within my form, shape, and color as a less-than manifestation compared to other forms, shapes, and colors -- in which I create energy as relationships from the belief that I am not life within the picture that I represent, and thus, create the belief that I need sex with a specific picture to become 'life' instead of realizing that I am equal to and one with all forms, shapes, and colors, but deliberately sabotaged myself for the sake of wanting to exist within 'good feelings' as relationships within the picture-reality field of 'ego'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from 'life', and thus, desire to have sex with a life-form of which I judge the picture thereof -- 'separate' from me because I defined my very beingness of me as a picture, and gave significance to that picture of which I use to compare myself, as a picture, to other pictures based on my pre-programming that I have trusted as the 'expression' of me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider myself as 'life' because I placed life into a form as me -- based on the picture manifested -- as that shape, form, and color of me -- that gives me the ability to move in this physical world -- of which I see as 'not good enough' based on comparing myself to other pictures in this world -- that apparently, according to my pre-programming looks better -- having defined life into 'beauty' as the self-manipulative tactic that I use to keep myself in the binds of the ego/personality -- enslaved by form.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be enslaved by form, because I enslaved myself to the belief that form is life, and given life to that belief as the lie, that I keep within/as me -- so I can remain the personality -- never standing as the self-directive principle of me -- instead of realizing that life is who I am in every breath of self-forgiveness and corrective application.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see/realize/understand that life is when I am self-honest  -- which does not require the vehicle of a picture to define its integrity, but requires me to walk the point of self-honesty through corrective application -- removing the illusion of life within/as a picture that I have manifested as the life of my 'personality'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to specialize a picture because of the shape and form of it, because I defined myself within the limited spectrum of thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, ideas, and beliefs -- forming relationships with my picture, and comparing my picture to other pictures to manipulate myself into a defined reality of who I am as 'personality'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the polarity of health and sickness, and thus, live my life in a way that I, as the mind, exist within the fear that if I am unable to sustain 'life' through desire, I die as the very fabric of what I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become instead of realizing that within the agreement to be held within a construct of belief created by me through the relationship with particular specific pictures, I sabotage myself for the sake of wanting to keep me, as ego and the entirety of what I have developed myself to be -- that became my embodiment that I defined as 'life'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become the embodiment of me as the 'personality/ego' of which I search for the 'life' of me -- that I have projected within/through a 'picture' that I am attracted to by my very relationships that I have become subject to  -- instead of taking self-responsibility to stop all relationships within/as me that moves me as 'ego' to search for that which makes me feel 'complete' and 'whole' so that I, as the ego, can 'live' longer.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form relationships with pictures, and believe that the very energetics of relationships with pictures are the representations of 'love' -- represented as 'desire' of which I made my God so that I can fulfill the void in me that I created to become complete in the way that I see myself, and myself only -- in the world and reality -- not considering anyone else, but my own self-satisfactions because I have because I made my own ego 'special' -- of which I project into/as 'pictures'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see/realize/understand that the very manifestation of that which I have an aversion for is that of which I allowed myself to be and become -- which is the search for 'energy' through sex -- as that which I defined as life and fulfillment -- instead of realizing that the very manifested pictures that represents that which I desire, are the very pictures that I have separated myself from -- through my own judgments within the relationships that I formed with them within/as my ego -- of which I compound further and further -- deeper and deeper within me -- becoming a enslaved by my own mind that I treasure as 'life'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that life is 'energy', thus desire the manifestation of 'pictures' that I have given life to -- in order to remain existent as a 'personality' -- my personality that I treasure as God -- instead of realizing that life is when I am the directive principle of it -- not enslaved by the energetics of time as consequence -- of which I create within/as the relationship that I form with the quantum integrity of my thoughts, feelings, and emotions -- that I connect to pictures that gives me the illusion of life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to make all picture-forms (as male and female) equal through the act of sex as what I have separated myself from, and thus, perceive sex as a point of equalizing myself with what I feel 'separate' from -- within relationships -- as I create relationships within me that justify my points of separation that I allow to direct me in my reality, and from within this justification, create the feeling of being 'controlled' when I am unable to, in my world and reality -- 'freely' look for sex with a picture-form where I can feed my illusion of relationship-equilibrium.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect 'freedom' to 'expression', thus, see sex an 'expression' of becoming 'free' -- because I defined relationships with pictures as points of freedom being that we were not equal to and one with ourselves as a starting-point of relationship acquisition, and within this starting point, use sex as a way of equalizing myself with all beings in this reality to birth the illusion of fulfillment -- rather than taking self-responsibility to equalize myself with who I am, and what I have become in relation to this world and reality through self-forgiveness, and applying myself effectively and practically to live as actual expression of that which is best for all to bring about a world wherein its starting point of relationships are always what is best for all rather than what is best for one's own self-fulfillment purposes that leads to sex as the equalizing point of self-interest in relation to pictures.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel 'trapped' if I am not able to freely have sex with picture-forms (as male and female) -- because I defined relationships as the unification of people coming together to create a network of enjoyment as the social system, and see that system as life -- because I defined myself as a personality that is not complete without other personalities that can validate me as 'complete'. Thus within this belief, see sex as the 'ultimate completeness' with another personality -- that I am in-fact made completely valid, and thus perceive myself as 'acceptable enough' to exist in the social system of the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself as 'trapped' with having a relationships with only personality picture-form because of not being able to be around other personality picture-forms to constantly and continuously validate my existence as a being within/as my picture-form, and thus, desire other personality picture-forms to be with so I can get my validation that I am an acceptable 'mind' in this world and reality -- instead of realizing that the more validation that I desire is in-fact validating the relationship patterns within/as me, and wanting to constantly keep those relationship patterns alive by having / creating the same relationships with similar personality picture-forms in this world that I use to validate me as the personality picture-form that I developed and formed a relationship with since birth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself define me within and as the integrity of being alone or within and as the integrity of being in a relationship, in which both polarities feed off of the other as how I define myself to exist as -- as being 'happy' or 'depressed' when I am alone, or being 'happy' or 'depressed' when I am in a relationship -- because in order to create these type of experiences that generate / create these 'feelings', I have had to exist separate from it initially (separate from the other person, place, thing.... separate from the environment, and separate from my very own definition as how I defined myself as in relation to being alone or in a relationship. I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that I am equal to and one with all that exists, and that I don't need to define myself as the integrity of being alone or in a relationship -- which is simply the effect of how I defined myself over time in relation to particular specific pictures as people, places, things, and the environment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the picture of and as me when I was a child, and thus, compare my picture as a child to my picture as an adult, and to see my picture as corrupt compared to the picture of a child -- instead of realizing that I am not defined by a picture that represents me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as a picture based on the relationships that I created as the 'child picture' compared to the relationships that I created as the 'adult picture' because I judged myself within the 'child picture' being 'more than' the adult picture because I had the ability to see things when I was a child which disappeared when I was an adult. Thus within this, see me as the adult picture as 'impure' because of the relationships, as 'energy', that I created in my world and reality that I separated myself from of which I believed concealed my ability to 'see' more.

I commit myself to stop all points of separation as desire -- which is the emotion/feeling that I created a relationship to -- as a point of not 'getting enough' of that which I separated myself from -- which are all of the personality picture-forms in this reality that I created internal relationships to -- within memories that I separated myself from. And within this commitment stop all internal relationships with memories that I defined as 'more-than' me -- because I needed something to give me 'energy' as the relationships that I created with myself of which I turned memories into entities for my self-satisfaction. I commit myself to stop all desires to want to unify myself with my memories that I have made real as entities that direct my life -- as I project my memories onto picture-forms (as males and females) in this world to exist within the purpose of achieving sex as the 'heightened' illusion of attaining equilibrium and validation -- to validate me as 'ego'.

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