06 May 2012

Day 15 | Assisting the Body

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from my physical body, and thus, believe that I have the free will to do whatever I want to it.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that my body is a being, thus, I should respect my body, and treat my body one and equal as me because the body provided me a way around within this physical existence, and if I do not treat my body with 'respect', I die.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form relationships with that which gives me an identity within the world that I use to define the I, but never consider anything else because I was too caught up in the illusion of myself, and within this illusion, I abuse my body with everything that I 'like' to eat -- and not even consider the nutritional value of what I put into my body. Thus, within my carelessness, make myself sick, and wonder why I am sick -- never considering the relationships that I formed with my mind in which I abdicated all other parts of me for my ego satisfaction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have an aversion for assisting my body because of the belief that if I start assisting my body, that I will 'lose' part of me -- the part of me that likes specific foods, and thus, within that liking, form a personality of what I believe and perceive myself to be, thus, see the dis-engagement of my patterns that I hold on to equivalent to death. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear dying as the ego.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I die as the ego through giving up certain foods because of their lack of nutritional value, that I will 'lose' some of my 'expression' -- instead of realizing that all of the patterns within me that I defined as an 'expression' is not actually an expression if I fear that they will be lost.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to consider anything or anyone else unless they fit into my 'circle' of self-interests. Thus, see anything that goes 'against' what I eat, speak, or live as something that is limiting my expression. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself into/as a particular expression because it of how I defined my expression as 'comfortable' instead of not realizing that I become the very manifestation of that which I don't want, thus, limiting myself within/as a bubble of self-interest that I can only see and experience because I specialized it as more-than, and never realized that the polarity of expressing oneself as 'more-than', or 'less than' something or someone is not real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse food just for my 'taste'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect food to self-interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me as 'limited', thus, create a personality that I believe is 'not limited', but in-fact, is -- because I formed a relationship with 'limitation', and within this limitation, form 'likes', and 'dislikes'  -- not liking anything else that doesn't fit the limited personality that I have become.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within an illusion of 'need', and feel as though I 'need' what I have gotten used to eating because that which I have defined as 'need' is needing the 'personality' to exist -- that I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become -- because that all I knew -- within the acceptance of knowledge and information of symbols that I formed relationships with in this world to create the relationship that I have with and as all of my self-interests that fulfills me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within fulfillment, thus feel 'unfulfilled' when I don't have that which I 'like' to eat.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that the very things that I eat affect the body -- either in a way that is 'best for the body' or in a way that is not best for the body. I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to consider what is 'best' for the body -- because I only followed that which I already know -- as knowledge and information that limited me. I never challenged my own self as the product of knowledge and information, but only challenged the things that challenged me as a 'personality'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form relationships of my personality to food, and thus, not consider what I eat because all that I consider is me as the 'personality' as 'ego' as limitation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider what I eat because I became that very identity of me, and never saw anything past that identity, thus, trust that identity as me and invalidate everything else.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am in control of myself, thus, make the statement that I can eat anything. "I will die anyway" -- instead of taking self-responsibility for what I have accepted and allowed within this world through self-forgiveness, and self-honesty.

I commit myself to bring about a world that is best for all, but in order to bring about a world that is best for all, I need to consider all parts of me because I allowed myself to be and become the ego which only cares about it's own self within "wants" and never considers another. Thus, I am able to direct myself to find an effective diet that supports my body because my body is here assisting and supporting me in this physical reality to do what is necessary to be done to bring about a world that is best for all.

I commit myself to eating more food that is good for my body whether I like it or don't which, in turn, will break the cycles of limitation as likes and dislikes.

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