24 April 2012

Day 8 | Money is My God

Today when I was walking out of the door, my agreement partner reminded me to watch my movements and to breathe. I suddenly reacted because I was existing within a point of limitation within a personality of seeing myself as a slave to the system, thus, only seeing me being a slave as a valid point within this world and reality. Anything else didn't make sense in that moment. This is the personality of being 'human' (as limitation). Thus, I saw that watching my movements and breathing as something that is impractical because it's not going to make me money or pay my bills. Thus, I validated everything in this world that is 'real' that I am able to make money off of. If I am not able to make/earn money from it, then what's the use of it existing? So within this point, I saw me 'separate' from all life because I compartmentalized me within/as 'money'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place 'trust' within the monetary system because I defined the monetary system as the 'gifter' of life.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to give myself the 'gift' of life through rebirthing myself as life to not be limited within/as life as 'personality', thus instead, seek and find me within/as the 'personality' through money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can only find 'me' within/as money, and to thus exist as 'less than' money where I can make myself 'feel good' and complete when I have it, and thus, justify self-sabotage as this 'feeling good' as the personality because I have existed within/as 'polarity' as the 'life' of me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within fear of the system, and thus, create a personality to cover up that fear with a 'vibrance' that I don't question because that 'vibrance', as personality/ego, has become me, and thus, I look for other personalities to make me whole and complete because I could never find that 'wholeness' as me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make the excuse that since I am in this system, I should 'feel' incomplete, and thus, find completeness within 'work' and having a 'job' as the motivation of me, and thus abdicate and abuse life for the search for, and acquisition of money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the system so much, that I created a 'personality entity' of myself -- accepting myself as a part of this system within limitation -- and making a judgement that there is no way out.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to watch my movements and breathe because I want to instead exist as the personality of a slave to this current system because I trusted this monetary system as the expression of me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from 'self-expression', and thus abuse money as a point of believing that that is my 'expression' because of the fear of death -- without money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear death, thus, create money as 'life', so that I can remain alive through the illusion of 'finding' and 'seeking' that which I perceived myself 'separate' from (which is life) through money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suddenly react when my agreement partner reminded me to watch my movements and breathe when I was walking out of the door because I was existing within a point of limitation within a personality of seeing myself as a slave to the system, thus, only seeing me being a slave as a valid point within this world and reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attempt to make sense out of this system because of the belief that it is the only way to exist as a point of giving up on myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see me 'separate' from all life because I compartmentalized me within/as 'money'.

I commit myself to stand as the principle of life as what is best for all, and to not exist / become an effect of the monetary system as the excuse to not change me, but remain as a slave to my mind within 'feeling good' about what I have and where I can go within the monetary system, and thus, to totality abdicate change for what is best for all within this world.

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