09 October 2011

Using Reverse Psychology as Deception

On Friday, October 8th, I had a desire to go to the movies. When I came home from work, "J's" appearance was as if she wasn't interested in going to the movies. So I asked her if she wants to go to the movies, and she said, "Yes." Through trying to please "J" I used reverse psychology to inform her that I won't be going to the movies because I judged her through her physical impressions as if she was 'tired', and didn't 'feel like' going. My impression was that she'll say, "Why aren't we going to the movies?" And from that inquiry, I would then know whether she is interested or not. The whole point of it was for me to acknowledge that it was really 'okay with her so I won't 'feel' as though I am influencing her to 'agree' with me for us to go to the movies.

Points I Saw Within This:
  • Desire to go to the movies
  • Hope that "J" wants to go to the movies
  • Manipulating "J" using Reverse Psychology to see if she wants to go to the movies
  • Belief that since I have accomplished the 'week' through work, I 'deserve' to celebrate by going to the movies.
Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Statements:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to go to the movies instead of realizing that when and as I see myself participating in desire, I stop; I breath, and I let go. I realize that it needs my participation for desire to exist. I realize that this is not best for me, and not best for all. I stop my participation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hope that "J" wants to go to the movies instead of realizing that when and as I see myself 'hoping' for an 'experience' to manifest, I stop; I breath, and I let go. I realize that I am the directive principle of me as me, and if I see myself, not honoring who I am one and equal, I direct the point, as me, to the other -- to thus to not manifest 'hope' as a self-dishonest 'effect' of/as the 'experience'. I realize that this is not best for me, and not best for all. I stop my participation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to manipulate "J" by using Reverse Psychology to see if she wants to go to the movies instead of realizing that when and as I see myself participate in self-manipulation, I stop; I breath and I let go. I realize that using 'Reverse Psychology' is a self-dishonest point of manipulating the conversation. I am one and equal as the conversation. I do not accept or allow myself to go into a point of becoming 'less than' what is being conveyed as the communication. I realize that this is not best for me, and not best for all. I stop my participation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that since I have accomplished the 'week' through work, I 'deserve' to celebrate by going to the movies instead of realizing that I have defined myself as a 'slave' because of the current system, thus, 'deserving' things is a product and polarity of believing that I don't have the 'right' or the 'privilege' to 'do things' that are considered 'entertaining'. When and as I see myself participate is judgement, I stop, I breathe, and I let go. I realize that this belief needs my participation for it to be 'real'. I realize that this is not best for me and not best for all. I stop my participation.

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