13 February 2011

Accepting What is Here

Today, I was reading an article by Bernard Poolman which was about the human as a television and radio stations as structural resonance. Basically, the structural resonance is the structural foundation of relationships that you have formed yourself as -- as a fabricated identity that you depend on to make you who you are. This includes your personality, but it goes deeper than that. It is who you are at the DNA level. It is the 'coded algorithm' that you define as life which is the structural resonance of/as consciousness.

Well one thing within the article that got my attention is how we define ourselves to an extent that we are 'unable' to swap places/lives with another because of the belief that we will 'lose' that very part of us that we depend on that we 'cherish' as a 'personality'. Here is the piece of the article:
If the message you are broadcasting is allowing a world where all has a place equally and is the message you are broadcasting showing that at any given moment you are willing to swap places with any being in the world and still be O.K. with that person's life as your life. If the life of a starving child is not acceptable to you, then a change is required and responsibility is appropriate.
So looking at this point, I'd like to do some self-forgiveness for 'cherishing' that which I believe is me as a 'personality program' -- living a defined life as a 'belief' rather than what is 'here' in which I am an equal to/as all.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to 'cherish' that which is a fabricated 'lie' as my 'personality' that I trust in which I accept and allow myself to 'hide behind' a personality construct not taking self-responsibility for/as what I create as an 'outflow' of my resonant design.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to commit myself to the point of the 'search for meaning' in which I place myself within a 'personality bubble' following that of/within the mind as a 'fabricated possession', thus creating a 'personality construct' of/as 'spirituality' of which I entrust as 'who I am' as a 'consciousness symbol' -- becoming a 'fabricated possession', thus 'not seeing' and/or 'refusing to see' that which is 'here' of what I have created within/as this world through my own beliefs -- because I have accepted the 'excuses' that it will be 'taken care of' by a 'greater being'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to 'trust' in the president to do something about our current system -- in which, within that very statement and belief, I am actually supporting the current construct of the system to exist and remain existent by not taking responsibility as an 'equal' to the president -- as the system, as the government, as everything that exists here in which we all have accepted and allowed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give my life to 'beliefs' instead of taking self-responsibility -- becoming that which I have created within/of this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to commit myself to 'myself' as 'pride' -- believing that I cannot be 'touched' because I have 'money' and that I don't need to 'swap out' my life with/as another because I have money -- becoming a 'blind vessel' of 'ego' and not accepting that which creates the point of our current monetary system which is 'fear' and greed -- in which I actually am supporting the current system through the point of pride and ego within/as the foundation of 'fear' and greed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my life is 'too important' to think about others instead of realizing that my life belongs to the current system -- and that which I 'walk as' is a 'symbol' of the current monetary system -- no matter how much money I have or don't have.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold on to my life out of 'fear' that I will 'lose' myself if I don't 'keep up' my life (keep it in tact) by doing the things that I do continuously everyday -- that defines who I am as a 'resonant symbol'.

I forgive myself that I have not considered what I have done within/of the world by doing nothing, but supporting the current system of man through/as my 'personality' as self-interest -- as I continue to 'walk' as a 'resonant symbol'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that 'life' is important -- instead of realizing that the current life that I live is a 'consciousness supported' life in which I am a 'program' built by my parents, the media, the government, education, culture, religion -- everything that I/we have built as -- as a 'systematic structure' which is the 'outflow' of mankind's resonant symbol of enslavement.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to consider 'death' as 'life' -- dying to all of that which I accept as 'me' as a 'symbol' designed to be a slave to/as my 'mind' -- walking an 'algorithm' of 'enslavement' -- only seeing what I 'want' to see and have been 'designed' to see as a mind-consciousness system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place 'trust' and 'respect' to knowledge and information -- creating 'excuses' built on knowledge and information in order to 'keep' myself behind a 'veil' of 'logic' -- using that logic to justify 'abuse'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that knowledge and information is the 'answer' and believing that there is virtually always a way out of something if we simply utilize the 'opportunity' that is 'here' for us to do what we have to do to make it within the current system -- instead of 'standing up' and stopping the current system, and realizing that as long as the current system exists, it will always 'gravitate' towards deception, self-dishonesty, fear and money, and that there can be no 'equality' within the current system that man has built as an 'outflow' of what man has accepted himself to be because of the foundation which is the 'integrity' of it. A new foundation has to be built with individuals that 'stand' for equality.

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