24 January 2011


Spoiler Alert: Do NOT read this post if you haven't watched the movie and don't want to know the nitty-gritty details!

So I decided to watch Hancock last night (Monday, January 24th 2011), and it was a good movie. It was actually better than I thought, and there was a substantial point that I realized within the movie a little before the climax. There was a Caucasian lady within the movie along with Will Smith. The Caucasian lady was named Charlize Theron, and lo and behold, the movie took a turn. The lady had super powers just like him, and I realized how I created an 'idea' of her before that scene. The idea that I created about her was a judgmental middle-aged Caucasian female with a lot of money and the 'perfect' family who supports her moral and ethical codes as a 'successful' person. I viewed Will Smith as the opposite: unsuccessful, failure, less-than, culprit, etc. So when these two came together, there was a sort of 'friction' because of his personality and her standards. But in the middle of the movie, my perspective changed as I began to see the 'reality' of who she is!

Charlize Theron had super powers as her 'real self' was revealed. She wasn't the idea of a Caucasian female with a lot of money and the 'perfect' family who supports her moral and ethical codes as a 'successful' person anymore. She was now a contemporary, emotional female with super powers who was created as a 'pair' to Hancock (as Will Smith): a pair meaning equal and one as opposites. I know that sounds kind of like an oxymoron, but she was Will's equal, so they couldn't be together because it would cause a friction and they would lose their powers and become 'mortal'. She was actually the closest person to Will in the movie -- from a relationship perspective. They were like two peas in a pod. I then started seeing them as one in the same.

Last night, I was also chatting with a female who is Caucasian wherein I believed her to be a female with a lot of money and the 'perfect' family who supports her moral and ethical codes as a 'successful' person -- meaning that I don't suppose to talk or interact with her because she is 'above' me in 'status' and/or don't have time for me. I am like that with many many women depending on their pictured-presentation. So little did I know that we are both attracted to each other -- which simply is a resonant influence within/as the mind-consciousness system in which we are reflecting a specific point to each other that forms an emotional response of desire/attraction. She is the 'perfect' pictured-presentation of a Caucasian female that I would like to have (to be in a relationship with) because of the point wherein' I believe that she is 'above' me in 'status' which supports my mental programming as an individual in which I judge myself as 'less than' who she is. That's what they say -- opposites attract, and it is the polar opposites within/as judgment which creates a connection/attraction based on self-judgment/deception.

In this case, it is also self-deception which manifests as 'attraction' because I am deceiving myself within/as the attraction because of my self-judgment of me being 'less than' who she is. But we chatted which, in-turn, cleared some points and she informed me of who she really is within this matrix of existence. She informed me that I am 'her' as a reflection of who she is, and that what she has learned in relation to these experiences is that they all have been a 'gift of awareness' of the 'reflection' within -- which makes sense.

So I still remain with the 'energetic' point of deception of self-judgment within which will be a point to transcend these patterns within/as the physical existence and to realize that within the physical, everything is equal -- and that takes no 'mind', no judgments, no interpretations of the physical 'here', nothing like that because the mind only tends to re-justify points which creates different perceptions of deception.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that 'white' women are better than me because they have 'advantage' within the world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to 'specialize' money as 'God' creating ideas of 'gods' within my mind and representing an image of god on/as certain types of people that 'have' money and look 'beautiful' -- such as 'white' women.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I don't suppose to talk to 'white' women because they are 'better' than me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that don't suppose to talk to 'white' women because they have 'more money' than me which, in-turn, establishes the 'idea' that they don't have time for me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to 'separate' me from 'white' women because of the belief that they are 'better' than me because of their advantage and beauty.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that 'beauty' exists instead of realizing that beauty is a construct of the mind as self-judgment of me being 'less than' beauty.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define 'beauty' as 'pale skin' because of the self-judgment that I am 'less than' those with 'pale skin' based on the majority that I have seen within my one-dimensional mindset of the 'advantage' that people with 'pale-skin' have.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to 'live' a one-dimensional mindset as a sum of my self-judgments that I walk as in which I blame others for what I have accepted and allowed through/as my self-judgments.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to 'let go' of the past as 'slavery' instead of realizing that we are all still 'slaves' to the system which we have defined as 'life'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for my own fuck-ups that I created through/as my own self-judgments in which I have formed a personality to.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am 'less than' 'white' people -- creating a belief that I am 'more than' poor 'black' people -- instead of realizing that I am a slave of my own self-judgments of polarity (less than / more than) through the construct of money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge certain jargon as 'proper' and that I have to replicate it in order to become 'more than' who I am 'here' instead of realizing that 'proper' can only exist within the mind as self-judgments.

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