09 June 2009

The Future

The future... It is what we I think about sometimes... "What will I be doing?", "I am afraid of the unknown."  It is like I live in this illogical fear.  The hell?  Everywhere I go, I'm shaking and shaking because something might happen to me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that something is going to happen to me in the future and that I have to follow that.

Because see, I actually manifest what I fear.  So it is to not fear the unknown.  It is to stand one and equal HERE in every moment realizing that the future does not exist.  Because what am I doing when I think about the future?  I am actually creating a reality within my mind and placing that reality into existence.  Because don't forget.  I am my mind, and what I think about, I manifest.  So I am actually creating what I fear.  If I simply breathe.  That' it - just breathe, then I don't have to create an alternate reality and experience it.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that the future holds something greater than me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that the future is my destiny.

No, the future isn't my destiny.  My destiny is to realize that there is no such thing as the future because within this, I exist in separation from my own self-direction - being dependant on the future instead.  So when I feel within me any movement of fear of what might happen - any movement of anything that has to do with the future, I bring myself back HERE.  Because HERE is where I am standing.  Breathe, breathe, breathe.  That is all that I have to do.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe in future events.

It is like we depend on the future to change us.  Well, "What are we doing now?" is the question to change us.  Who will save us?  Who will be our Iron Man, or our Superman?  I have to realize for myself that I AM my own initiator.  I am my own Superman.  And if each and every one of us come to realize that, what kind of a world will we be living in?  So it is up to me to change me HERE - not wait on the future to change me.  Because the past, present and future exists HERE in and as me.


I am self-directive.

I am the initiator.

The future doesn't exist unless I accept and allow myself to believe in the future and what might happen to me based on my fears, my acceptances and allowances, my desires, etc.

I am not dependant on the future.

With the future also exist within and as the polar of the past.  In the middle is me in which I am guided by both of my acceptances and allowances through my thoughts of what I perceive as real within me. But if I simply allow myself to breathe and realize that I am the breath of life and not my thoughts, I remain HERE - not dependant and existent in neither how I define myself based on the past, or what will happen to me based on the future.

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