18 June 2012

Day 54 | Anthropomorphism of Pork Tenderloins Part 3

Note: Read Earth’s Journey to Life blogs about Redefining Words for a better understanding….

Allocation Point of Self within the Word ‘Pig’

The word ‘pig’ has been allocated within me according to how I have defined myself within the word ‘pig’. I always saw pigs as beautiful little creatures as they grace the earth in innocence. I was in-fact, the receiver of this word as I received this word in two ways -- in food, and in guilt -- based on the movie 'Babe', and how in that movie, the pig that represented Babe was of an innocent expression. I know that some people call 'overweight' people pigs.... There might be some resonant impressions there, and in addition to how pigs are seen as nasty because of how they play in mud, but I realized that the reason that they play in mud is because they don't have any sweat glands so they have to keep cool in the mud. I always tried to reason why the pig does what it does instead of reacting in disgust toward it -- because when I was a child, that is how I saw the pig in a sense -- as disgusting, but when one becomes equal and one with the pig, and the mud, then there is no reaction because reaction only happens when one is in separation from what one is 'experiencing' which means that the picture / experience of the 'pig' has been judged based on multi-dimensional relationships of how one judged self in relation to words and pictures in a past experience -- giving 'life' to words and pictures in a sort of an anthropomorphic way in ones mind which -- when a picture or a word is seen / heard again in a future setting, there is the thought that forms the reaction within one's mind, and it is these thoughts that have become anthropomorphic. Thus, I have to redefining the word pig, and the word anthropomorphism.

Dictionary Definition

Pig (Noun):

1. Domestic swine
2. A person with poor hygiene and low standards of tidiness
3. A person regarded as greedy and pig-like
4. Uncomplimentary term for a policeman
5. Mold consisting of a bed of sand in which pig iron is cast
6. A crude block of metal (lead or iron) poured from a smelting furnace

Pig (Verb):

1. Live like a pig, in squalor
2. Eat greedily
3. Give birth

Anthropomorphism (Noun):

1. The representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits

Sounding of the Word
Anthropomorphism: An throw poor morph ism, An throw pour morph I prison





Anthropo-Human, Humanoid

Morph-Change, Manipulate

ism-a suffix that forms abstract nouns of action, state, condition, doctrine

Within the investigation of the word 'pig', there is mostly a negative charge to the word pig due to the abuse that the pig had on its life due to our consumption of the pig as meat for our survival / life. So within and as humanity -- to balance out our guilt, vegetarianism or veganism becomes an option as we move from the killing of pigs and other animals to the killing of plants because plants seem less sentient than animals according to our awareness as how we perceive plants as. This creating a sense of heroism instead of really taking self-responsibility in our world and reality to the point that food becomes less of a necessity based on our mind / physical relationship and the need for food to live / survive currently, but that in and of itself will be a long process of transcendence. The first thing that has to be taken into consideration is how we are existing in this world and reality with and as ourselves to and as others, and how we construct our relationships, and define ourselves as because it is this definition that we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become that abused life for the sake of survival, and it is survival that has become defined as life.

So my living experience with the pig was really no different because the system in itself is built around the eating of meat and the eating of vegetarianism. As long as this current capitalistic system is here to stand, then the vegan market can be manipulated in any way whatsoever -- because until life becomes the value of life, money can manipulate life in any way it pleases because we allow it. This also goes for relationships between the negative polarities and the other positive polarities of the pig of seeing the pig as 'innocent' and 'beautiful' -- because it is the energetics within these polarities that drives me to exist how I am existing in relationship to the pig, and not taking self-responsibility to investigate who I am in relation to this world and reality -- nothing then matters because I am simply an organic robot driven by words that I gave life to -- of which words become the life of me instead of me as the living word -- living words in a way that is best for all.

Pre-Definition Phase
Pig: Any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the Suidae family of even-toed ungulates that gives up its life for the sustainment of the mind within the physical body -- until the mind stops and killing becomes non-existent in a life of equality and oneness.

Pig: Any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the Suidae family of even-toed ungulates that is consumed as meat for our survival / life until it is taken into consideration how we are existing in this world and reality with and as ourselves to and as others, and how we construct our relationships, and define ourselves as because it is this definition that we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become that abused life for the sake of survival, and it is survival that has become defined as life. -- until life becomes living words in producing a world that is best for all.

Anthropomorphism: To throw thoughts and morph them into and as a picture-presentation as a form of a projected illusion meant to entertain the mind in happiness, fear, anger, etc. -- rather than as the hu-man (ANTHROPO) that morphed the thought (energy) into a picture (substance) become the author (ANTHRO) that changes the state of thoughts (ISM) into actions that support life equally.

Final Definition:
Pig: Any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the Suidae family of even-toed ungulates that gives up its life for the sustainment of the mind within the physical body -- until the mind stops and killing becomes non-existent in a life of equality and oneness.

Anthropomorphism: To throw thoughts and morph them into and as a picture-presentation as a form of a projected illusion meant to entertain the mind in happiness, fear, anger, etc. -- rather than as the hu-man (ANTHROPO) that morphed the thought (energy) into a picture (substance) become the author (ANTHRO) that changes the state of thoughts (ISM) into actions that support life equally.

Self-Commitment Statements:

I commit myself to expose myself when seeing something that creates a movement within me (as a reaction) take self-responsibility in that moment to direct that movement as how it exists in relation to an experience that has been justified by and as my very beliefs that these movements within me of thoughts, feelings, and emotions is me in-fact — as I, within an experience committed myself to a life of ‘memories’ which I super-imposed / projected onto ‘experience’ of which the physical (as experience) is judged within polarity’. And within this, I commit myself to stop all judgments that create the polarity of how I experience relationships -- giving value to relationships through judgments that are the effects of memories that I hold on to for my sake of surviving as the personality.

I commit myself to show that a feeling (positive energy) is in-fact designed derivatives from emotions (negative energy) that I use to manipulate myself into an experience of joy, peace, love, desire, happiness, etc. -- because I have never given to myself MYSELF in all ways, but seek and search for myself in others where I can develop / create feelings that I believe I am, but simply manipulated myself to feel better because I know that when I have to keep the energy alive through and as a cyclic-flow, of temporary joy, peace, love, etc. in my life because I never investigated for myself MYSELF that I abdicated for others' approval of my existence as a personality.

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