16 June 2012

Day 52 | Anthropomorphism of Pork Tenderloins Part 1

Here, I am doing self-forgiveness for the experience of buying a package of pork tenderloins at the store, and thus, existing within a fear-experience based on its form, shape, and color, and the connections that I formed with it of which I gave it a 'life' within my mind, and feared that it would bite my neck as a form of a revenge for it being sold to the market for food.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself -- when seeing pork tenderloin -- fear that the meat will jump into my face and bite my neck -- because I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the pork tenderloin meat through the belief that this particular pig that was slaughtered is angry, and wants its revenge.

Thus within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the experience of seeing pork tenderloin to a memory of the past of seeing a pig, a worm, a leech, a spider, the movie "The Blog", the movie "The Punisher", and the movie "Little Shop of Horrors" -- and, connect the seven experiences together to form an experience of fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define me within the experience of seeing pork tenderloin within memories of the past of seeing a pig, a worm, a leech, a spider, the movie "The Blog", the movie "The Punisher", and the movie "Little Shop of Horrors" -- and, connect the seven experiences together to form an experience of fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the pork tenderloin that I bought at the store to a live pig, and give the live pig a 'mind' consisting of and existing as a 'personality' of revenge because I have not accepted and allowed myself to let go of my current understanding of 'revenge' into a redefinition that is best for all -- as I formed a relationship to the word 'revenge' in polarity as the mind seeking revenge on the physical to keep the mind as what I believe and perceive myself to be -- 'alive'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the pork tenderloin that I bought at the store to a worm based on how the pork tenderloin and the worm have a resemblance in their shape, form, and color.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the worm experience when planting a tree in my elementary school days to the experience of seeing a spider jumping into a person's face on the movie "Arachnophobia", and thus connect these experiences together to create the experience of fearing that the pork tenderloin will jump onto my face.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the pork tenderloin to the blob in the movie "The Blob" based on the resemblance of the shape, and thus, perceive the pork tenderloin as 'alive' based on its shape and fear it based on the memory of seeing the moving blob substance within the movie "The Blob" killing people to maintain its life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the pork tenderloin to the movie "The Punisher" based on how the family of Frank Castle's were killed because of 'revenge', and thus, because a pig was killed for the consumption of the human, see the pork tenderloin getting its revenge by jumping onto my face and sucking the blood out of it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the pork tenderloin that I bought at the store to a leech based on how the pork tenderloin and the leech have a resemblance in their shape, form, and color.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the pork tenderloin to the movie "Little Shop of Horrors" because the of the anthropomorphism that is used to bring the plant alive, and thus give the pork tenderloin anthropomorphic capabilities in my mind that I super-imposed onto reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project anthropomorphic capabilities onto non-human life based on how I see and define myself as -- as a 'personality' consisting of and existing as thoughts, feelings, and emotions that I perpetuate within my world and reality as 'reactions' to that which I see and communicate with, and thus, define 'experiences' within and as reactions that I actualize (make real) into and as non-human life -- validating my 'personality' as 'real'.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that by fearing the anthropomorphism of pork tenderloins, I am in-fact fearing who I am as a personality, and thus, the entirety of who I am as a 'personality' is the fabric of fear itself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to -- when seeing something that creates a movement within me (as a reaction) not take self-responsibility in that moment to direct that movement as how it exists in relation to an experience that has been justified by and as my very beliefs that these movements within me of thoughts, feelings, and emotions is me in-fact -- as I, within an experience -- give life to 'memories' that are super-imposed / projected onto 'experience' of which the physical (as experience) is judged within polarity'.

Thus taking this into consideration, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that polarity is the game that I play with myself that is seen within thoughts, feelings, and emotions -- as a closed energy-system that constantly and continuously seek to balance itself out, and thus, neither 'positive' or 'negative' is ever able to win because the system of polarity needs both to keep moving.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that a thought is in-fact internal (secret) conversations about a physical event / experience of which I, within thinking, limit myself to only see what my mind / thoughts see as the judgments about the world and reality that are created from internal (secret) conversations -- which creates the illusion of 'life' within experiences -- instead of realizing that the 'life' that I perceive as 'real' within the context of how I am experiencing 'reality' through the mind is in-fact the 'life' that I manipulated myself to see, react to, and live as -- within thinking -- to make myself 'feel better' / in control of my world. Thus within this, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see the polarity of 'bad' and 'good' -- of which I create the 'good' within thoughts of 'internal conversations' / judgments based on how I physically see, react, and live as -- within the 'bad' as the thoughts and emotions that I constantly and continuously generate in my life because I have not taken self-responsibility to stop the polarity game created from thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that a feeling (positive energy) is in-fact designed derivatives from emotions (negative energy) to establish the experience of polarity as joy, peace, love, desire, happiness, etc. instead of asking the question what am I accepting and allowing myself to 'hide' from -- that I don't want to look at, but instead -- cover it up with good feelings that I generate through and by manipulating reality with thoughts as internal conversations about reality that are justified through feelings.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that an emotion is in-fact who I really am as the "evil' nature of me within anger, rage, depression, fear, sorrow, etc. -- that I attempt cover up with 'good feelings', and thus, is the reason that 'good feelings' exist because if I react in any way whatsoever to any thought, feeling, picture, idea, memory, word, etc., I know that I am either exercising positivity to not look at the nature of who I am within 'emotions' or exercising who I believe I am within emotions instead of considering the application of self-forgiveness for accepting and allowing myself to be subjugated to the nature of how I developed myself to be within emotions and feelings -- realizing that I don't have to be subjugated to them, but that I can be 'free' from emotions and feelings through the process of deconstructing what I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become and reconstruct myself in a way that nothing in my world and reality will cause me to react because I took self-responsibility to forgive and let go of my past -- as the memories that I held on to, the knowledge that I trusted as the expression of me, the pictures of myself and others that I valued, the words that I defined myself as, and the reactions that I believed were my expressions of my memories, my knowledge about me in relation to the world, the pictures that I valued, and words that I defined myself as.

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